last updated: 2023-10-25
Tips and tricks for the Arduino IDE
Arduino C/C++ code snippet that I use quite often and that can simplify life :)
Tips and tricks for Teensy® USB Development Boards.
Tips and tricks for Wemos D1 mini and Wemos D1 mini pro.
Tips and tricks for Lolin32, Lolin32 pro and Lolin32 lite.
It's easy to use NTP (Network Time Protocol) time server with the ESP's.
Feed the dog and use a watchdog reset counter...
Using an ATmega328P(B) Arduino chip with battery and LoRa for a long time.
From WAV or MP3 to C: Tips and tricks for playing audio files on microcontroller (C/C++).
Simple logic-level shifter can get unreliable over 100 kHz! What to change and alternatives in this section.
TRIACs are needed to regulate power. Refresh your knowledge about TRIACS.