27/08/2024 |
ROS2 ESP32 sensor and actuator node with Dynamixel AX-12A (sb-computer) |
29/07/2024 |
ROS2 ESP32 sensor and actuator node (sb-computer) |
29/07/2024 |
ROS2 Basics (sb-computer) |
03/05/2024 |
Growing station (microcontroller) |
23/04/2024 |
FreeCAD Macro to create a simple 3d printable box (other projects) |
20/04/2024 |
Nissan Leaf Cable lock hack (other projects) |
20/02/2024 |
LoRa P2P with sub pages (microcontroller) |
01/01/2024 |
new PV data (energy) |
04/11/2023 |
Waste Bin reminder (microcontroller) |
25/10/2023 |
Get NTP time and set RTC on Teensy 4.1 with Ethernet (microcontroller) |
25/07/2023 |
PiAClock (sb-computer) |
18/07/2023 |
Silence your osci (DS2072A) (other projects) |
04/07/2023 |
Noise and Temperature Meter (microcontroller) |
09/05/2023 |
Raspberry Pi Internet Radio: PiPyRadio (sb-computer) |
27/03/2023 |
EPROM programmer for 27C512 (microcontroller) |
01/01/2023 |
new PV data (energy) |
09/12/2022 |
FreeCAD macro: Stairs from a spreadsheet (other projects) |
09/12/2022 |
NUM lock indicator (microcontroller) |
20/11/2022 |
Revised chapter openHAB (tutorials) |
20/11/2022 |
How to use Docker and Docker compose (sb-computer) |
19/11/2022 |
New SmartyReader PCBs with W5500 Ethernet (microcontroller) |
07/09/2022 |
Monitor with 4 OLED displays to view data from the Energy Storage System: mqtt_oled_mon (microcontroller) |
08/07/2022 |
ESP Toolbox (microcontroller) |
06/06/2022 |
New software version for the SmartyReader v1.6_beta (microcontroller) |
23/05/2022 |
New software version for garden_watering v1.1 (microcontroller) |
08/02/2022 |
Building Felix 3 from spare parts with 32 bit, higher voltage and better stepper driver (other projects -> 3d_printing) |
21/01/2022 |
Ping the Thing |
30/10/2021 |
DDS with microcontroller |
29/08/2021 |
TRIAC tips and tricks |
13/07/2021 |
Fitness Timer |
05/07/2021 |
NeoPixel clock 2 |
04/07/2021 |
Logic-level shifter tips and tricks (microcontroller -> tips_tricks) |
17/06/2021 |
Garden watering with ESP8266 (microcontroller) |
16/05/2021 |
ESP NTP tips and tricks (microcontroller) |
03/05/2021 |
New hard- and software for the SmartyReader (microcontroller) |
12/04/2021 |
Pico_HAT to connect your Raspi with the Pico through I²C (microcontroller) |
16/03/2021 |
Ecovitt weather-station data 2 MQTT (other projects -> python coding) |
06/03/2021 |
Reverse engineering with Ghidra (microcontroller) |
06/03/2021 |
STM32 with the STM32CubeIDE (microcontroller) |
18/02/2021 |
Hacking an SA1200p CO2 device (microcontroller) |
12/01/2021 |
Drawing with matplotlib (other projects -> python coding) |
03/01/2021 |
Updated PV data (energy) |
29/12/2020 |
The not completely useless box (microcontroller) |
21/12/2020 |
Arduino code snippets (microcontroller -> tips_tricks) |
06/12/2020 |
OpenCV basics (other projects -> python coding) |
06/12/2020 |
Read an analogue gauge with OpenCV (other projects -> python coding) |
21/11/2020 |
"Updated" Pyshcreator: PYthon Simple HomePage CREATOR (other projects -> python coding) |
20/09/2020 |
Pimping up the Felix 4.1 with 32 bit, higher voltage and better stepper driver (other projects -> 3d_printing) |
08/06/2020 |
"Updated" Single board home server with openHAB and MQTT (sb-computer) |
02/06/2020 |
"Updated" Pitoucon (sb-computer) |
01/06/2020 |
Piventi MVHR with Raspi and Teensy (sb-computer) |
25/05/2020 |
MQTT in openHAB2 (chapter openhab (sensor2bus) in tutorials) |
21/04/2020 |
Printing more colours with one extruder (other projects -> 3d_printing) |
14/04/2020 |
LoRa sender (running on batteries) (lora in microcontroller) |
07/04/2020 |
Using a CNC milling machine (GRBL, Stepcraft, bCNC) (other projects -> cnc) |
01/04/2020 |
Non breaking delays in Arduino tips and tricks (microcontroller) |
24/03/2020 |
Sleep tips and tricks (microcontroller -> tips_tricks) |
04/01/2020 |
Watchdog tips and tricks (microcontroller -> tips_tricks) |
01/10/2019 |
New tutorial "Sensors, interfaces and bus systems (sensor2bus in tutorials) |
05/09/2019 |
ESP programmer (microcontroller) |
08/07/2019 |
SmartyReader with ESP32 (microcontroller) |
18/03/2019 |
Convert your mices2 board to arduino (microcontroller) |
20/02/2019 |
Tutorial "Microcontroller Systems" (tutorials) |
03/02/2019 |
Octoprint on Raspberry Pi for Felixprinters (otherprojects -> 3dprinting) |
24/12/2018 |
Neopixel Pixar lamp (microcontroller) |
24/09/2018 |
Tutorial "Electronics fundamentals" (tutorials) |
23/09/2018 |
Arduino display library for nt7534/ssd1322 with i2c (microcontroller) |
13/09/2018 |
Simple Midi monitor (music) |
25/07/2018 |
Assembly instructions for our creative-lab space mining rover in german and english (microcontroller) |
22/06/2018 |
Baking SMD with PUHUI T-962A reflow oven (otherprojects -> bakingsmd) |
27/04/2018 |
Building a fine dust sensor with ESP8266 (microcontroller) |
28/03/2018 |
Oscilloscope clock with ESP32/Lolin32 (microcontroller) |
29/01/2018 |
Single board home server with openHAB 2 and MQTT (sb-computer) |
18/12/2017 |
MIDI Over the air (music) |
17/12/2017 |
Oscilloscope clock with Teensy 3.6 (microcontroller) |
09/10/2017 |
AVR Assembler tutorial: complete update (tutorials) |
16/08/2017 |
SmartyReader: Reading Luxemburgish Smartmeter Port P1 (microcontroller) |
22/04/2017 |
Creative-Lab IoT board (microcontroller) |
17/03/2017 |
Teensy tips and tricks (microcontroller) |
03/03/2017 |
Raspi tips and tricks (sb-computer) |
25/10/2016 |
BeagleBone tips and tricks and BeagleBone device tree (sb-computer) |
07/08/2016 |
Rasipfon the Raspi SIP phone (sb-computer) |
07/08/2016 |
New Homepage created with pyshpcreator:) (other_projects) |
25/06/2016 |
Arduino display library for nt7534 in parallel mode (microcontroller) |
28/10/2015 |
The RASPI buffer board (sb-computer) |
28/08/2015 |
Efficient alarm clock with low electromagnetic radiation, big display and music player (microcontroller) |
15/04/2015 |
RT soldering station with active soldering tips from Weller (microcontroller) |
14/04/2015 |
The Python and Raspi training course (in german) Dateioperationen, Schnittstellen, HTML/CSS, Webserver (tutorials) |
13/09/2014 |
Python and Raspi Kursus (german) Erstes Kapitel: Tkinter GUI (tutorials) |
07/08/2014 |
Kyub hacks: MIDI and power over MIDI for the Kyub (kyubmusic.com) (microcontroller) |
26/05/2014 |
LeafCANlog: CAN bus logger dor the Nissan Leaf (in english) (microcontroller) |
07/04/2014 |
Teensylogger Python Software (microcontroller) |
26/03/2014 |
Teensylogger neue Firmware und Hardware Version (microcontroller) |
07/01/2014 |
7 x serial on the BeagleBone (in english) (sb-computer) |
10/09/2013 |
Überarbeitete USB-Bibliothek (HID, VENDOR, vereinfachte Anwendung, Maus, Tastatur, mehr Controller, ...) (microcontroller) |
06/08/2013 |
Teensylogger Neue Software (microcontroller) |
10/07/2013 |
Neue Grafik mit tagesaktuellen Solardaten (energy) |
14/02/2013 |
USB-HID-Bibliothek für den Teensy 2.0 (microcontroller) |
12/02/2013 |
HID-Version ohne Treiber für die mobile CO2-Messstation (microcontroller) |
18/01/2013 |
Verbesserte Version MODUL B (tutorials) |
16/01/2013 |
Verbesserte Version MODUL A (tutorials) |
08/01/2013 |
Neue PV-Daten (energy) |
26/12/2012 |
Modul C: Kapitel zum I2C-Bus online (tutorials) |
30/08/2012 |
Teensylogger: loggt bis zu 8 S0 Schnittstellen! (microcontroller) |
18/06/2012 |
Neue PV-Daten (energy) |
04/06/2012 |
USBammeter: misst Spannung, Strom und Leistung am USB Port (microcontroller) |
17/01/2012 |
Anhang F: neue Version mit MICES2 (tutorials) |
16/01/2012 |
Neue PV-Daten (E); neue Seite zum Programmieradapter (microcontroller) |
12/10/2011 |
Neue Energiedaten für Luxemburg (energy) |
12/09/2011 |
Low-Cost Experimentierplatine MICES2!! für den Mikrocontrollerkurs (microcontroller) |
12/09/2011 |
Neue Prüfungsfragen (school), Update der PV-Daten (energy) |
27/03/2011 |
Neues Projekte unter B!! Hier kommt die Maus!! (HID mit dem AT90USBKEY) |
15/01/2011 |
MODUL C C0 Wiederholung (Soft-UART) online |
18/12/2010 |
MODUL C C1 A/D und D/A-Wandler online |
13/09/2010 |
Neue Projekte unter B!! USB mit TEENSY 2.0 und CO22 "the mobile measurement station"!! |
02/07/2010 |
Neue Version der Homepage online |
12/01/2010 |
Kleine USB-Bibliothek für ATMEL-USB-AVRs (AT90USBKEY) |
12/01/2010 |
Verbesserte Versionen MODUL A, MODUL B und ANHANG F |
10/01/2010 |
Geänderter und verbesserter ANHANG F |
05/01/2010 |
Gesamtes MODUL B online! und neue Version MODUL A |
24/10/2009 |
MODUL C C4 SPI Schnittstelle online! |
17/09/2009 |
Anleitung zur Projektarbeit 13 Klasse |
04/09/2009 |
Neue Anleitung für den Programmieradapter |
01/04/2009 |
MODUL C C2 Timer Verbesserte Version |
05/03/2009 |
MODUL C C2 Timer |
23/10/2008 |
MODUL B B1 und B2 verbesserte und erweiterte Version |
02/10/2008 |
MODUL B B0 verbesserte und erweiterte Version |
14/09/2008 |
MODUL B B0 und B1 verbesserte und erweiterte Versionen |
12/08/2008 |
MODUL A verbesserte und erweiterte Version (bessere Grafik, Befehlskästen etc.) |
07/04/2008 |
MODUL A verbesserte Version |
23/02/2008 |
B5 Serielle Schnittstelle verbesserte Version |
08/02/2008 |
Anhang F: neue Version (+2 Seiten, Assembleranweisungen, Pinbelegung andere Gehäuseformen) Ergänzungsblätter wurden ebenfalls erweitert (+neues Inhaltsverzeichnis) |
04/02/2008 |
Anhang F: neue Version (+26 Seiten, SF-Register, Interrupttabelle, Schaltpläne) Ergänzungsblätter für Besitzer der alten Version vom Anhang MODUL B B5 Serielle Schnittstelle verbesserte Version (hochauflösendere Grafik) |
24/01/2008 |
MODUL B B5 Serielle Schnittstelle online |
2007 |
Erste Online-Version des Mikrocontroller-Kurses (MODUL A und MODUL B) |
2006 |
Inbetriebnahme der Homepage um Schüler mit alten Abiturfragen zu versorgen |